Sunday, June 12, 2011


Authored by Marco L. Bernardino Sr., Helen J. Wisocki

Young Marco, blissfully living with his grandparents, is whisked away to a new school when his parents re-enter his life. Befriended by Father McCool, Marco is groomed with methodical precision, exclusive indulgences, and thrilling sports outings. Slowly, he is introduced to alcohol and porn, molested, and programmed for life with sexual perversions.

Years later, Marco self-medicates in a subconscious attempt to suppress the lurid memories of dark secrets hidden behind closed rectory doors and to control an insatiable appetite for morally depraved behavior. He struggles to prove to himself there is a virtuous self hiding deep inside. When he finds a patient and understanding therapist, the reconstruction of his twisted life begins. But by now the rippling effect of abuse has spread throughout his dysfunctional family. Marco crawls, wobbles and falls, gets back up, and continues on his painful yet heroic journey to separate himself from the shameful creature he'd become ... all the while juggling single parenthood and his career along with his internal battles.

About the author:
Marco L. Bernardino, Sr., is a survivor of clergy sexual abuse and works to bring hope and help to
others in similar situations. His aspiration for this book is that it will offer a path to recovery for victims who feel alienated from mainstream society - a direct and insufferable result of the actions of predators lurking in the shadows of our churches.

Helen J. Wisocki has published short stories and co-authored Innocence Betrayed. She owns a retail business in Newburyport, and resides in Massachusetts. Helen helps others put their life stories on paper.


  1. This story is incredible! It's been an amazing journey working with Marco to put his memoir in writing. Thanks to Deb, Phil, and Marvin at All Things That Matter Press for their help and support in making this book the excellent product it is. My deep appreciation to all . . .

    Helen Wisocki

  2. Helen and Mark,
    Best of luck to you both. Can't wait to read the book. Think about coming on our show in August or so. We'd love to do a show about abuse.
    Monica Brinkman
