Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Angel Tracks


Authored by Pat Morgan

"Are you telling me she's gone?" The doctor nodded yes. On October 29, 2007, my world came to an end when Debbie, my only child, died.
I tried to tell the doctor about the car's turn signals going off automatically at the exact moment of her passing, about the voice I heard telling me to check the time on the dashboard clock.
I tried to tell him I had just met my first angel ... but he was looking at me like he was going to send me someplace very quiet and very dark.
So I shut up, went home, and prayed for help.

ANGEL TRACKS is the story of a mother's journey through grief and despair, a story of being pulled
out of that dark hole by God and his angels. It's a story of recovery, of truth ... a story about angels and what they'll do for you ... if only you ask them.

 About the author:
Pat came out of the glossies and started writing plays in 1986. After thirty productions nationwide she's still writing plays. Pat has won the Texas Women's Repertory Project Award, was a finalist in the Texas Playwright's Festival, is a CAACH grant recipient, won "best play" at the Camino Real Theatre's Show Off Competition in California and was presented at First Stage. Her full-length Capote Tonight opened in Houston at Express Theatre in May, 2007; The Last Posse opened at the Lodestar Theater, NYC, in April, 2007; and her ten-minute play, Sex Games, won the Scriptwriters/Houston 2007 first prize. She is published in both adult and children's plays, is a proud member of the Dramatist Guild of America, is a founding member of Scriptwriters/Houston, and is Playwright in Residence at Pasadena Little Theater. Angel Tracks is her first novel.

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