Monday, March 21, 2011

A Creative Thinking Blue Print For the 21st Century

How Frank Lloyd Wright Got Into My Head, Under My Skin And Changed The Way I Think About Thinking, A Creative Thinking Blue Print For the 21st Century
By Sandy Sims


In my book “How Frank Lloyd Wright Got Into My Head Under My Skin and Changed The Way I Think About Thinking,” I discussed the fact that I had a crisis in my early thirties, followed by an urgent need for help. I desperately needed a new way to look at life. I even rolled up my car windows while on the freeway screaming for help. Little did I recognize that very act had set into motion a future cascade of events. This included a psychiatrist, not just to see but to date-the immersion course so to speak, appeared in virtually no time at all.

She saw that I was a candidate for the self-empowerment model, one she was investigating herself. The ideas were not new, but they also were not mainstream. They were rooted in Eastern philosophy which was beginning to emerge here in the 60’s and 70’s under the umbrella of the New Age and Human Potential Movement.
Part of the issue for all people willing to engage in the fundamental pattern of developing a new belief system is that it is easy to be pumped up in a seminar, with the afterglow lasting at least a few days, a few weeks or more. However, moving from an idea to a belief can be an arduous journey, and there is plenty of conflicting information along the way to trip us up. For example, when competing parties are after the same goal there will be winners and losers. But are losers in the short term losers, or winners in training? Confusion abounds around what is actually a true intuitive hit, and what is bleeding through as simply a strong desire. All of this takes practice and work to sort it out.

That is why a gradual bite by bite method of exploration, starting with small successful manifestations, followed by more adventuresome ones, produces the best results. It is a way of examining the exact nature of our desires and what seems to be supported versus what appears to fail. Frequently, for example, the object of our desire is really masking a fear. We want a particular house, car, etc because we want to project success. Underneath the desire, however, may be a fear that without this goodie we might be projecting failure to the world around us. Which is stronger, the desire or the fear? We can, for example, use muscle testing to help discern whether a feeling is an intuitive hit or simply a strong desire.

My book was an accounting of this kind of a journey: one in which I could review my past, from this new vantage point. I could see the beginning desire and I could see the outcome. I noticed the time frames required. Once I began to connect these dots, the more confident I became. Moving forward I was still hesitant, but had more confidence, and such has been the journey.

In the process I wondered about the mechanics at play. What were the forces? How did they operate? Of course it is not necessary to know this. Most of us don’t understand how our modern car operates. We get in, turn on the key and take off. Secondly, there are the endless skeptical observations claiming quackery due to lack of evidence. Yet absence of proof is not proof of absence. We know all about electricity, but we don’t know exactly what it is.

The best explanation I have found emerges from the Seth Material by Jane Roberts. Here Seth discusses “Frameworks.” We exist in one framework. Our thoughts with intent summon legions of energetic patterns from another framework to finally emerge in this framework.

I also observed that my new ideas seemed to come from somewhere, either as answers to my questions, or as novelties, simply and graciously dumped into my lap. There seemed to exist a two way street of communication with this collective unconscious, as if we have invisible partners. Rather than simply ascribing these events to some divine being whom I was lucky enough to please, I liked the idea of having buddies, friends so to speak, who could see a larger landscape, moving through life with me, doing their best to assist my journey. They respond to my requests and also send me unsolicited ideas. I have no proof that this is the way it is, but it seems and feels possible, and that is good enough for me until a better story comes along.

Aside from intuitive urges, or the revelatory “Aha” experience the communication process between myself and my invisible partners seems to utilize positive as well as negative synchronicities, or as Jung has called them, meaningful coincidences. I feel we receive these every day. They are often so subtle, that we are oblivious to them. The classic example is the phone call you receive from a friend whereby just as you answer you say, “Oh, I was just thinking about calling you.” The important issue at this precise juncture is to recognize that there is a piece of information to harvest and to search for it. The call might be to mention an event. It is up to you to recognize that if you attend that process will put you in touch with a person, idea or sign which will steer you in a certain direction. If you fail to act, your invisible partners will simply have to try something else.

Like it or not, technology is increasing at warp speed. This is inevitably resulting in many profound changes, the apparent loss of decision making time being at the head of the list. Less contemplative time, coupled with instant technological communication, means more dependence on new tools.

Learning how to discern between intuition and strong desires, how to recognize synchronicities and use them, and how to consciously manifest are all tools being given to us to navigate the new landscape. I refer to the adaption to these processes and tools as creative thinking for the 21st Century.

After reflecting on the nature of this particular journey as revealed in my book, I collaborated with Dr. Kerry Monick, MD, the psychiatrist whom was so instrumental in my process, to create a simple guidebook. The idea was to replicate the same thinking patterns I had undergone with some additional structures to help one assess their own journey and what is possible going forward. If there is at least one useful point then the guidebook has done its job.

Sandy Sims Bio –

Sandy Sims was raised and educated in the South. After serving as Naval Officer and finishing graduate business school, he followed a dream to live in Honolulu where he built one of Hawaii's most successful advertising agencies.

The crisis of personal health and business setbacks opened the way to larger spiritual dimensions including a long association with the Caddy family, founders of the Findhorn Spiritual Community in Scotland His book,”How Frank Lloyd Wright Got Into My Head, Under My Skin And Changed The Way I Think About Thinking, A Creative Thinking Blue Print For the 21st Century,” is a memoir of his journey culminating in a 20 year project with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.

He has collaborated with Psychiatrist, Kerry Monick MD, and authored Creative Thinking For The 21st Century, An Experiential Guidebook. Accepting the science that our intention does indeed affect the material world, it addresses what to be thinking about, how to shape these thoughts, and what might be the best way to avoid unintended consequences.

When not traveling, Sandy resides in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico where you can find him writing, playing tennis, poking around with his camera and embracing a new culture.

For more information about Sandy Sims and How Frank Lloyd Wright Got Into My Head, Under My Skin And Changed The Way I Think About Thinking, A Creative Thinking Blue Print For the 21st Century, visit and visit this page to get the Amazon links

1 comment:

  1. Hi Phil,

    Many thanks for hosting me on the blog tour. I hope your readers will find the comments stimulating and perhaps find the book and guidebook interesting and useful. Best wishes, Sandy Sims
