There are many new voices crying out in the wilderness that are beginning to be heard. Deborah Denicola is one of those voices. She writes about ALL THINGS THAT MATTER and that is why her book appears here as part of her blog tour. For more details on the book, go to http://www.thefuturethatbroughtherhere.com/
In a poetic memoir both personal and transpersonal, in our fearful post-911 era, Deborah DeNicola, among others, has predicted the world crisis we are now facing will initiate the global population into a new awareness of spiritual evolution.
In The Future That Brought Her Here, DeNicola undergoes three journeys which distill her private quest into esoteric knowledge. With references to String Theory and quantum physics, medieval history, the crusading Templar Knights, the Black Madonnas, The Church of Mary Magdalen and revelations from the Gnostic Gospels, DeNicola finds the common denominator of diverse mystery traditions, relating how dreams and creative process heal by expressing both individual and archetypal truths.
In this epoch of economic disaster, when three crucial cycles are simultaneously ending, The Future That Brought Her Here should reach a new audience, one not previously aligned with "New Age" ideas.
Buy the book at Amazon.com and receive up to 20 bonus gifts!
Deborah DeNicola is the author of five poetry collections. She edited the anthology Orpheus & Company; Contemporary Poems on Greek Mythology. A new full collection of her poetry, Original Human, is forthcoming in 2010 from Word Press.
Among other awards DeNicola received a Poetry Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and her work appears in The Best of the Web Anthology 2008. Her poems are published widely in literary journals in print and online. DeNicola has taught at Massachusetts College of Art and Lesley University. Currently she teaches dream image work and mentors off her web site: www.intuitivegateways.com.
Praise for
The Future That Brought Her Here
"...the book is filled with Denicola's magnifique poetry, her dreams, her intuitions, her own personal life, her distrust of men, so that what you have here is a profound theological study of the influence of the Power Goddess in the ancient and beginning-Christian world plus a personal confessional account that turns it all into something able to be related to.One of the few-few books I've seen in the last twenty years that I couldn't, couldn't put down." (full review)
—Doug Holder, Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene Blog
"A magical and mysterious memoir, The Future that Brought Her Here explores the emerging archetype of Mary Magdalene as an image of the desperation and hope for spiritual regeneration we all feel in politically and spiritually uncertain times. In an era of academic dryness and almost illiterate new age enthusiasm, DeNicola is that rarest of writers, a true visionary, whose lucid prose both startles and informs, frequently bursting into the lyrical intensity of finely crafted poems. Her words are as sensuous and soothing to the inner eye and ear as the ideas she presents are titillating to the spirit."
—Kurt Leland, author of Otherwhere, The Unanswered Question and The Multidimensional Human: Astral Projection as a Spiritual Practice (forthcoming)
"The sensual-mystic poet Deborah DeNicola has given us a lovely, thoughtful memoir of her long extraordinary, painful and enlightening journey. She begins in Jung and ends in a deeper understanding of herself and of life, along the way floating us downstream through the ages of esoteric understanding, to arrive finally in the vast ocean of collective realization. Her story is a page-turner, ushering us into new awarenesses. This is an important book for our time, embodying in one brave woman's course in life, our culture's story of the past thirty years, as we, like DeNicola, stand on the verge of the New Paradigm.
—Thomas Kaplan-Maxfield, author of Memoirs of a Shape Shifter
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