Are you ready to learn more about Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Digg, Stumble and other elements of social media? Do you need more information to make the most of these new and popular social media sites? Then Book Promo 201 is the book for you. Award winning author, Nikki Leigh shares a wealth of information that she developed with over 16 years of promotional experience and it is written in an easy to understand and conversational style. She helps you understand how to develop your own brand and then takes you through a variety of ways to use that brand on the most popular social media sites. To help you dig deeper, she provides review questions at the end of each chapter. If you are looking for a publisher or if you are already a published author – you will find a wealth of information in this book. Over 1000 website links put a wealth of resources at your fingertips and can save you endless hours of research as you utilize the many free and inexpensive promotional options on the internet.
David Hancock, Founder - Morgan James Publishing - The Entrepreneurial Publisher
Nikki Leigh’s latest book, Book Promo 201 brings together the ‘best of the best” in book marketing. If you want to be an author, or already have books in print, this book should be a permanent fixture by your computer. From Web 2.0 to blog tours, branding, on-line promotion, social networking, internet radio, trailers viral marketing and tons more, this book shows you how and where to market your book. It will be a constant reference for both novices and pros.
Book Promo 201 is the second book in the Promo 101 series. In Book Promo 101 I wanted to help people lay a great foundation for their promotional efforts, help you learn what promotion is, develop the marketing mindset and we talked about many traditional forms of promotion. If you aren't familiar with the content, the table of contents is posted here - http://www.nikkileigh.com/book_promo_101.htm. (Reviews are posted here.)
Book Promo 201 started out one way, and was a very different book when I finished the manuscript in November 2008. It took me a full year to get the book just the way I wanted it, but I think you will agree it was worth the wait. I also realize that the Web 2.0 technology changes a bit every day, so I'll post updated information on this blog - http://promo101articles.blogspot.com. You will find about 100 promotional articles and tips there and I'll add to them as needed. Of course, I'll twitter about the new posts at .
The manuscript is about the same length as Book Promo 101, so the ebook should be over 400 pages and the print book should be over 200 pages (the book will be 8 x 10). The manuscript is with my publisher, but we don't have the final layout yet - and everyone will hear about it when its ready :) The book is packed with detailed, easy to understand information and packed with over a thousand resources.
I've kept the contents of Book Promo 201 under wraps and part of the reason was because it kept changing, but I'm happy with the contents and am ready to share it. The full table of contents with all the subheadings is about 6 pages long, so I'll just share the chapter titles here.
Book Promo 201 - Table of Contents
Introduction to Online Book Promotion
Part One - Prepare to Use the Internet to Promote Your Books
Chapter One – Online Promotion Basics
Chapter Two – Identify Your Target Market and Create A Brand
Chapter Three – Financial and Personal Benefits to Promoting on the Internet
Chapter Four – What is This Thing Called Web 2.0?
Chapter Five - Viral Marketing – What Is It and How Can It Help Me
Part Two - Social Sites: Where to Find Them & How to Use Them
Chapter Six - Social Opportunities Online
Chapter Seven – Large Social Site Options
Chapter Eight - Social Sites That Focus on Books and Authors
Chapter Nine - Social Bookmarking
Part Three - Use Blogs for Promotion
Chapter Ten - A Blog Is a Necessity
Chapter Eleven – Are Blogs Useful for Promotion
Chapter Twelve – Use a Virtual Blog Tour to Promote Your Book
Part Four - Use Audio and Video Multi Media to Promote
Chapter Thirteen - Book Trailers – What Are They and How Can You Use The
Chapter Fourteen - Creating a Book Trailer
Chapter Fifteen– Internet Radio Shows and Podcasting
Appendix A - Online Forums
Appendix B - Sites That Charge to Promote Books
Appendix C - Author Interview Opportunities
Appendix D –Blog Resources
Appendix E - Sites to Post Book Trailers
Appendix F – Radio Shows for Author Interviews
Appendix G – Google Products to Use in Promotion
Appendix H - Book Prom 201 Participants
Great post, Phil!! You captured the excitement I feel about this book-it is a must-read for any serious w riter!