Rajah, the big black dog, likes to play in his big back yard.
He chases the leaves. He sniffs the air every day. It is his favorite place.
One day a strange thing happens. Something hits Rajah on the head. It scares him.
A blue ball is up in the sky.
Where did the ball come from? Did it do it on purpose? Did it want to make him afraid?
Rajah has to find the courage to take back his own world.
Written by the author of The Wishing Flower and The Magic of Laven-Rock, Rajah and the Big Blue Ball looks into the face of the unknown.
Title: Rajah and the Big Blue Ball
ISBN: 9780981777740
Author: Mosetta Penick Phillips-Cermak
Publisher: P.M. Moon Publishers, LLC
Additional Features:
hardcover/48 pages/approx. size 8.375" x 8.375"/ trade
About the Author:
Mosetta M. Penick Phillips-Cermak, Ph.D. lives with her two Labrador Retrievers, one black and one yellow, and two Siamese cats in West Park, Ohio. Dr. Penick Phillips-Cermak is the mother of two, grandmother of two, and great grandmother of two. A native of Cleveland Ohio, from a family of educators, she is a retired psychotherapist/counselor and a teacher of many years. Over the years, she has taught everything from kindergarten through teacher education, English, psychology and sociology. Mosetta’s first short, short story was published in the local newspaper when, at the age of ten, she won first prize in a creative writing contest. In college, her literary essays and short stories were published in the colleges’ literary magazine, The Spectrum. Eventually, she rose to serve as editor-in-chief of the very same magazine. A woman with a myriad of talents, she performed as both an instrumentalist and vocalist, played the piano and flute, as well as teaching chorus, and both instruments. She is also a dog trainer, registered with the State of Ohio to train and certify Handicap Assistant Dogs. A relatively well-known speaker in the Cleveland area, this writer has presented more than a dozen papers and workshops throughout the State of Ohio. A minister ordained in 1980, she states that her main strength resides in her absolute faith and tenacity, a desire to know all that is knowable, a love of research, and the ability to consistently identify the truth of any subject matter. She is a member of has attended numerous writers’ workshops, and is currently active in a critique group. She also has completed several other short stories, a children’s interactive picture book to teach educational concepts, and her first middle-grade children’s fantasy novel that she expects will be published soon.
PM Moon Publishers, LLC 's Rajah and the Big Blue Ball Starts Virtual Tour
Rajah LeBeau, the central character in Rajah and the Big Blue Ball by Dr. Mosetta Penick Phillips-Cermak, will kick off her tour on June 8th with a visit to Printed Words Blog.
Rajah Le Beau is a real live dog adopted by Dr. Mosetta from the Cleveland Animal Protective league. He will join Billie Williams, June 8, 2009, on her blog (http://printedwords.blogspot.com) as the first stop in Rajah and Dr. Mosetta's virtual tour.
Billie Williams is a mystery suspense author and a prolific writer.
Philips-Cermak said, "We want to thank Billie for this wonderful opportunity. Ragh and I are looking forward to it. Rajah is more outgoing than I am. He loves being on Facebook and Twitter. He has about 39 fans, and he writes to them three or four times per week. Right now his primary objective is to get people to buy his book so that he can sponsor a cage for a puppy or dog at the Cleveland Animal Protective League."
According to the Cleveland APL website (http://www.clevelandapl.org/) becoming a cage sponsor means that for a lucky dog or cat " ... their cage at the APL, complete with a warm bed, toys, plenty of food and water, and lots of TLC, is the only “home” they have ever known. For others, it’s a temporary home until they find the love of another family. For all of them, it’s the reason they’re getting a second chance."
Rajah said, "Not all dogs are as lucky as I am. That is why my mommy is donating one dollar of every book purchase to the Cleveland APL. Did you know that it is about 30% of the royalties for the book? Wow, that is a lot."
Rajah also has his own page on Facebook.com (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cleveland-OH/Rajah/1894513 ...), and a Twitter account (http://www.twitter.com/RajahLeBeau).
"We are encouraging people who do not have small children to buy a book, anyway, and donate it to a school or to a child that you know. Whatever we can do to generate enough money for our cage sponsorship," said Dr. Mosetta.
To order an autograph copy of Rajah and the Big Blue Ball, visit
http://www.pmmoonpublishers.com/Dr.html .
Rajah and the Big Blue Ball is also on sale at the following online locations:
Dog Cage Sponsorships are $1,500 per year, Cat Cage Sponsorships are $1,200 per year, and Small Mammal Sponsorships are $1,000.
Pledge Payment options are available. If interested, please call Judy Hunter, Director of Development, at 216-344-1353.
We are donating $1.00 of each book purchased to the Cleveland Animal Protective League.
I am trying to also to get small groups of people to donate a class set of books to their favorite second grade class, in whatever school system that they choose. I will autograph the books, and $1.00 still goes to the Cleveland APL.