This notice is re-printed with permission from a post on
A great group for authors to join!
Below is the link to a pre-recorded "Conversation with Editors"
Carolyn Howard-Johnson and Yvonne Perry, which covers some of the
common mistakes writers make and how to correct them. We have also
provided helpful tips for impressing a publisher with your query
Carolyn is an editor and author of The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best
Book Forward To Avoid Humiliation And Ensure Success (How to Do It
Frugally). Yvonne is a full-time freelance ghostwriter and editor,
and the owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services.
Here are some of the things we have addressed in the podcast:
Writing title and header case
Is a book titled or entitled?
When to use all caps
How many spaces between sentences?
Serial Commas
Writing for Decades
Internet and Web site
Using Em and En Dashes
Overuse of That
Writing Dialog
Writing Numbers
Listen to the audio here…
http://yvonneperry. blogspot. com/2008/ 12/do-you- have-questions- about-
Phil, thank you so much for posting this. Many don't know that the styles and rules for books differ from the ones we are taught or the ones we use when we write for newspapers. I know lots of your readers will benefit. (-:
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Author of the multi award-winning The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success
I appreciate this post, Phil. As always, you are very helpful to authors and editors!