Friday, February 26, 2016

Stairway to Freedom: The Biography of God

Stairway to Freedom: The Biography of God 

Authored by PolinaJ

Who wrote the script of life? And, more importantly, why? The unstoppable desire of a human soul to know the answers to the eternal questions Who are we? Why are we here? brings Satan and angels
together to deliberate yet another question: Is the soul mature enough to know the truth? After passing a multitude of initial tests, the soul earns the chance to know the answers. But Satan has one final condition: the soul must overcome all fears, temptations, insecurities, and attachments in no more than thirteen reincarnations.

Is the soul strong enough for such a test?
About the author:
PolinaJ is an award-winning jazz-pop singer, pianist, songwriter/ producer, and novelist.
Her creative journey began in Russia, then moved to Israel, and finally to New York City.
Both her music and her writing express her surrealistic view of life.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Uncertain Ships

There is listening, and there is listening truly. Phibby Venable's is the second kind, and her poems a true telling of what she has heard Listen to these poems. Believe the earth is singing, intent as any bird would be before a shake and flight to trees. George Wallace, writer in residence, Walt Whitman Birthplace.

I would like to affirm that this is poetry that not only delights but, through its instinctive perception of, as well as insight into the human experience, is also inherently wise. A volume of poems so rich in imagination, poetic intent, and the very making of poems, their creation and, by extension, creation itself, that I do not hesitate to recommend it to every serious lover of poetry, as well as to other serious poets, as a book to read, reread, and keep nearby for that random, ravishing experience of catching life’s essence on the wing! Marya Berry

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

In Search of the Golden City


Authored by Mia Lutsch

Akim is a boy who has a rare gift of communicating with spirits. He finds himself at odds with the physical world where power reigns and duty has the final say in matters of love. His conflict with the material world explodes when he falls in love with the king's daughter, a girl named Matima. Interests of power clash and the two lovers flee the kingdom to find a legendary city where they will be free to love without restraint. Their quest takes them into a mystical landscape where the border between the physical world and the one of imagination can barely be distinguished. When they are separated by a band of gypsy women, Akim faces a terrible ordeal which he has to conquer on his own.

About the author:
Experiences early in Mia's life have led her to search for true healing. In the process, she discovered the shamanic way: a relationship with the essence of all things. In the worlds that opened up to her through shamanism, she found the stories of the unconscious that often take expression in myths. Through her writing, she hopes to give the reader access to these otherworldly realms.

She grew up in South Africa in an environment that she describes as religious, patriarchal and academic. After school, she studied psychology and classical literature at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. She worked for a business in customer service for five years, during which she continued her studies of healing and spirituality in her own time. In 2010 she did a course in cross-cultural shamanism with The Four Gates Foundation, following this up with a course in African Tree Essences in 2013. She moved to Edinburgh, UK in 2013, where she did a master's degree in classics, focusing mainly on mythology and ancient civilisations. She currently works as a healer in Edinburgh.