In Paris, France, during the tumultuous '60s, Jessica, a young art history student from London, falls in love with Joseph, an architect from Boston. While Joseph struggles to reconcile the rigid requirements of his chosen path ~ the Catholic priesthood ~ with his own inner truth, Jessica embarks on a spiritual journey that includes a trip to Chartres Cathedral, where she walks an ancient labyrinth and encounters the Divine Feminine. Gifted photographer Andre grows up on a vineyard in Provence, content with his life until he receives a gift that throws his world into turmoil and sends him on a quest he's not certain he's ready to undertake ~ until he meets Holly, a highly intuitive, outspoken young artist from California who helps him unravel the deep secrets contained within the necklace he's inherited. Inspired by a dream, and spanning generations and continents, this tender and intriguing love story will warm your heart and keep you turning its pages until the very end.
About the Author
Pamela Smith Allen earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in General and Special Education from the University of Florida in Gainesville, and her Doctorate in Psychology from the United States International University (now Alliant International University) in San Diego, California. She has worked as an educator and psychologist in public schools as well as in colleges and private settings In an effort to piece together a worldview that unites, rather than divides, people from one another, she explored eight spiritual traditions in her non-fiction book, Awakening to the Spirit Within: Eight Paths, before completing The Necklace, her debut novel. Dr. Allen has traveled extensively and now lives with her two cats in the mountain community of Julian, California in San Diego County. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, writing, gardening, and teaching Tai Chi Chuan classes.