Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Grace in the Garden: Thirty Years of Blunders and Bliss


Authored by Grace Peterson

The gardening lexicon is crowded with books describing how to garden. In these twenty-nine short chapters, Grace Peterson captures the essence of why we garden.
A self-proclaimed graduate of the School of Hard Knocks, Grace never hesitates to entertain with stories drawn from her own missteps and catastrophes. However, she is also a certified Master Gardener, so make no mistake, she knows her stuff.
Read this book and let Grace carry you on a river of words. You will explore tributaries where she will tease you with her wicked wit before surprising you with unexpected outcomes. In Grace's capable hands, gardening becomes an irresistible metaphor for life itself. Through it all, she will convince you that gardening is just plain fun.
~Ricki Grady, author of Bebop Garden, Riffing and Jiving in the Plant Kingdom and blogger at "Sprig to Twig"

 About the author:
Grace Peterson, certified Master Gardener, is an author, garden columnist, and blogger who lives in western Oregon. Her memoir, Reaching, was awarded the gold standard of literary excellence by Princeton Literary Review.