Saturday, July 24, 2010


Portrait of an Unlikely Holy Man
Authored by Jesse S. Hanson

Suppose you were standing, like a tourist protected by
a guardrail, over an opening into the pit of hell, when
suddenly the rail gave way and you tumbled in. You
wouldn't know why - consumed with fear or anger, and
surrounded by utter misery, it wouldn't make sense to
you. Yet the fate of many of the poor souls in our
prison mental facilities is not so very different from
that scenario, their crimes often resulting from the
effect of some form of mental illness. Who can help
them? Enter George.

About the author:

Jesse S. Hanson is a North Dakota native, writer/musician. Jesse and his wife,
Lilasuka, currently reside in Pennsylvania. He has also lived in the Pacific Northwest and in the Southwest. "I suppose restlessness is part of my nature. I'm never quite at home anywhere in the world, and that is part of why spirituality is the backdrop for all my writing.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Authored by Michael Burns

Set in rural Vermont during the 1968-69 academic year, Gemini is the story of one man's effort to salvage his life.Jack Scanlon returns to his hometown after an 18 year absence, taking a position as a high school science teacher, and moving in with his uncle and his wife after losing, due to his excessive drinking, his wife and young daughter, and his job. Scanlon's ambivalence extends to his views on the war in
Vietnam, the hippie culture, and his own identity. After an incestuous dream, he is driven to seek counseling. His counselor, with the unlikely name of Robert Kennedy, whose somewhat unorthodox therapeutic method includes whiskey drinking during sessions, becomes not only Scanlon's counselor, but his alter ego. Their relationship becomes fundamental to Scanlon's continuing struggle for a better life.

About the author:
Since his retirement from St. Paul's School in 2004,
Michael Burns has been living with his wife in rural New Hampshire, writing novels and catching up on the reading he missed before retirement. In the short New Hampshire season, Burns enjoys playing golf, and also appreciates good music, good food, and good wine.

Friday, July 16, 2010



A nice review for a great book!

Where You Are
Author: Michael Burns

What would happen if you lived in a small town most of your life in a dead-end job without much of a future of anything changing, except the seasons? The main character, Paul, is in such a place barely making enough to live on without his new bride also having to work and not liking this particular small town with nothing going on as far as any type of cultural activities, just the same old people doing the same old boring things, day in and day out.

His wife nags her husband Paul, to move to the west coast, and attend college. Moving is not something Paul has considered. He is also not sure about going to college. Paul’s only time away from his hometown was a stint in the army, then back to the same place, and losing contact with his high school friends.

Married around a year, Laura, Paul’s wife takes off one day with a note left for Paul that is cryptic at best. Has his wife Laura left him? Will they get back together? Will Paul finally leave his small town and the small town ways to the big city? The only way to find out is to read “Where You Are.” This reviewer is not going to spoil it for you.

“Where You Are” is a good read. If you like relationships and interesting situations, “Where You Are” is a book for you. This reviewer found the pace good, the characters true to life, engaging, and assigns a four star rating to “Where Are You.”

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

AllThingsThatMatterPress Editor de libros grandes en muchos géneros !




 Una familia creciente de GRAN

TODAS LAS COSAS QUE LA MATERIA DE PRENSA, uno no efectuará el pago de regalías -, POD pequeña prensa, búsquedas para publicar los libros que ayudan a la cuota de su autor Sí mismo con el mundo. Todos tenemos algo que decir, y esto es una prensa que quiere oír su voz.  Nuestros intereses están en espiritual , la auto- crecimiento, la transformación personal, libros de ficción y no ficción con un mensaje fuerte. Entendemos que la libre expresión se produce en la poesía, libros de cuentos , ciencia ficción, suspense e incluso novelas con un poco de romance.  Si es bueno , vamos a echar un vistazo. No estamos buscando activamente los niños y los libros de adultos jóvenes , pero si nos WOWs , consideraremos este género.
Entendemos que los nuevos autores tienen un tiempo cada vez más difícil de vadear a través de la ciénaga de los agentes , las editoriales , cartas de consulta, y la comercialización.  TODOS COSAS QUE LA MATERIA DE PRENSA bien puede ser el lugar donde usted consigue su primer libro publicado . Todos tenemos que empezar por alguna parte .  Tenemos previsto en el crecimiento , y esperamos que usted considere crecer con nosotros .
Al principio, su libro será publicado como libro en rústica comercial , Kindle y ebook. Imprimir los libros estarán disponibles en y los libros a través de Mobipocket y la edición de Kindle en Amazon ( y sus filiales MUCHOS ) . Los libros también serán colocados en LA BOWKER BASE DE DATOS . Bowker cuenta con más de 3.000 suscriptores en todo el mundo para Libros publicados® y En Libros Mundial Imprimirsitios web ®. Además de Libros publicados productos , venden información directa alimenta a muchas bibliotecas , los minoristas y los sistemas escolares . 
Los libros que muestran las primeras ventas de alto potencial y autores con un enfoque agresivo a la comercialización se han colocado en sus libros una red de distribución expandida. Esta red de distribución incluye a mayoristas como Ingram / Lightning Source Incorporated y Baker y Taylor y otros grandes compradores en línea y los minoristas en línea como Barnes & Nobles . Los títulos también aparecerán en, y Amazon.France . Cada nuevo canal toma otro pedazo de la torta de regalías , así que la mayoría de nuestros esfuerzos de comercialización seguirá siendo destinada a las ventas a través de Internet a través de Amazon .
Por favor, tenga un poco de tiempo y leer las páginas de este sitio.  Busque en nuestro contrato, Leer la presentación Y LEER EL CONTRATO Requerimientos, LEER EL Q & A, echa un vistazo a lo que somos, y leer donde nos encontramos y donde esperamos ir. Por favor lea nuestra página del blog ! Por favor , lea también (HAGA CLIC enlace más abajo) Contiene actualizaciones importantes de la industria , así como información sobre nuestros comunicados , así como errores comunes presentación . En la era de Internet , las pequeñas prensas y autores independientes tienen mayores oportunidades para que sus obras a disposición de millones .  Trabaja con nosotros y vamos a trabajar con usted.
La publicaremos!!


* Debido a un alto volumen de PRESENTACIONES TIMES reconsideración se han ampliado . EN EL MOMENTO ACTUAL POR FAVOR SOLO ENVIAR una consulta y SINOPSIS .*
FULL - MANUSCRITOS SOLO ! PALABRAS + 45k , Espiritual, el crecimiento LIBRE / LA TRANSFORMACIÓN , NOVELAS Y GÉNEROS CON UN FUERTE SOCIAL / MENSAJE PERSONAL . SOMOS NO INTERESADOS en la literatura cristiana , los títulos que lindan con PORN , o libros que buscan inflamar EXPRESS O ODIO ! No queremos que la violencia en nombre de la violencia o el sexo por el bien del sexo. NO aceptamos libros CHAP . La poesía debe tener al menos 25 K palabras mínimas ! Respondemos a todos los PRESENTACIONES LO ANTES POSIBLE !

PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE, and view our great titles and authors.  HERE IS JUST ONE TITLE YOU MIGHT ENJOY!

Jesús lo enseñó , también: Las primeras raíces

Philip F. HARRIS
En Jesús lo enseñó , también! Las primeras raíces DE LA LEY DE LA ATRACCIÓN, Philip Harris examina más de 70 citas del maestro . El autor muestra que , contrariamente a las afirmaciones recientes y revelación " , "La Ley de la Atracción "no ha sido un " secreto " después de todo. En cambio, ha estado allí para que todos vean durante más de dos mil años. Este título ha estado en el TOP 2% En Amazon desde octubre de 2007 . Ha sido publicado previamente por Avatar de publicación , pero ahora se casa con todos las cosas que importan PRESS.
AHORA DISPONIBLE EN Mobipocket Y NUESTRO WEB TIENDA Y que pronto será impreso el Amazonas y NUESTRA TIENDA E- !

I used on on-line translator and truly hope it is accurate!

The Swindler Reviewed By Norm Goldman of

If you are looking for a deliciously readable beach read-this is it. Michelle Kaye Malsbury's The Swindler tells the story of a fictional character, Charles (Skip) Horowitz who resembles the infamous Bernie Madoff, and in fact, Skip was even an ardent admirer of Madoff.

Both ran a Ponzi scheme that paid returns to separate investors from their own money or money that was paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any profits that were actually earned. By putting together a team of unscrupulous brokers, forty-two year old Skip was successful in enticing investors by promising them unlikely high returns. His insidious operations netted him huge profits as a commodities' guru, as he and his band of thieves wilfully and wantonly deceived their clients and investors. The result was that Skip became a mega-millionaire, while many individuals lost their life savings. Sound familiar! The only problem was that Skip's luck ran out one day, all because his operation was not as tight and fool proof as he believed it to be. Although, it was seven years before he was brought to justice, law enforcement agents succeeded in amassing a great deal of incriminating evidence that convinced the jury that Skip was a scoundrel and need to be put away for a long time.

Malsbury deftly weaves her yarn into a believable tale that is never dull, as we follow the machinations of our protagonist, who aside from his devious investment shenanigans, has a voracious sexual appetite and a very low opinion of the opposite sex. Just as he seduces naive investors, he likewise attracts a full stable of bimbos, whom he showers with expensive gifts. Incidentally, Skip is married with two daughters, however, thinks very little of abusing his wife, both physically and psychologically.

The Swindler is a fluid snaky adventure containing a great deal of momentum. And as I am always a sucker for thrillers focusing on unlawful financial scams, this one didn't disappoint, particularly when we have a protagonist who acts with such abandon. Moreover, Malsbury has a knack of irrigating the novel with some great scenes and believable characters that never bore you. I do hope there will be plenty of more to come from this author, as she is an author to watch.

Michelle Kaye Malsbury currently lives in Florida and holds a Bachelors of Science in Business Management and a Masters Degree in Business Management. She is pursuing her doctoral studies in the discipline of Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies with high hopes of helping to build nations and sustain peaceful interactions around the globe. Michelle has widely traveled to Europe, through the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, and across the United States. Her first book was Three Years With Adonis.

Norm Goldman

Norm Goldman, B.A. LL.L, is the Publisher & Editor of Bookpleasures. He is also a top 500 Amazon reviewer.

Si usted está buscando un delicioso legibles playa lectura eso es todo. Michelle Kaye Malsbury de El Estafador cuenta la historia de un personaje de ficción , Charles ( Skip) Horowitz que se parece a la infame Bernie Madoff , y en De hecho, fue incluso Pasar un ardiente admirador de Madoff.

Ambos corrieron un esquema Ponzi que pagaron rendimientos para los inversionistas por separado de su propio dinero o dinero que fue pagado por los inversionistas posteriores , y no de los beneficios que fueron efectivamente devengados . Al poner junto con un equipo de intermediarios sin escrúpulos , cuarenta y dos años de edad fue Saltar éxito en atraer a los inversores con la promesa de alta poco probable devoluciones. Sus operaciones insidiosa le anotó enormes beneficios como gurú de los productos básicos ", como él y su banda de ladrones y deliberadamente arbitrariamente engañado a sus clientes e inversores. El resultado fue que Saltar convirtió en un mega -millonario , mientras que muchas personas perdieron sus ahorros de su vida . suena familiar ! El único problema era que la suerte de Skip se quedó sin un día , todo porque su operación no fue tan apretado y loco la prueba en lo que él creía que era . Aunque , fue siete años antes de que fue llevado a la justicia, los agentes del orden lograron amasar una gran cantidad de pruebas incriminatorias que convenció al jurado de que Pasar era un sinvergüenza y deben ser guardados por mucho tiempo .

Malsbury hábilmente teje su hilo en una historia creíble que es nunca aburrida , mientras seguimos los engranajes de nuestro protagonista, que Aparte de sus travesuras de inversión tortuosos , tiene una voracidad sexual apetito y una opinión muy baja del sexo opuesto . Del mismo modo que seduce a inversionistas ingenuos , él también se atrae a un establo lleno de Bimbos , a quien duchas con regalos caros . Por cierto, este complemento casado y con dos hijas, sin embargo, piensa muy poco de abusar su esposa , tanto física como psicológicamente.

El estafador es un líquido aventura de serpientes que contienen una gran cantidad de movimiento. Y como soy siempre un lechón para thriller centrado en estafas financieras ilegales , éste no defraudó , sobre todo cuando tenemos un protagonista que actúa con tal abandono . Por otra parte, Malsbury tiene una habilidad especial de riego de la novela con algunas grandes escenas y personajes creíbles que nunca se dio . Espero que habrá un montón de lo que vendrá de este autor , ya que es un autor para ver .

Michelle Kaye Malsbury actualmente vive en Florida y tiene una Licenciatura en Ciencias en Administración de Empresas y una Maestría en Administración de Empresas . Ella está llevando a cabo sus estudios de doctorado en el disciplina de Resolución de Conflictos y Estudios para la Paz con grandes esperanzas de ayudar a construir naciones y mantener relaciones pacíficas en todo el mundo. Michelle ha viajado a Europa, a través de la Caribe, Centro América, México, y en todo Estados Unidos. Su primer libro fue Tres años con Adonis.


This article appeared on page E - 2 of the San Francisco Chronicle

'TechnoCRAFT at YBCA': '100 Chairs'

Catherine Bigelow
San Francisco Chronicle July 14, 2010 04:00 AM Copyright San Francisco Chronicle.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Makin' book: Lit lovers and St. Ignatius College Preparatory loyalists crowded the Irish Cultural Center on Thursday to celebrate newly minted author Tim Reardon and his book, "Shadow Lessons."

Actually, it's Reardon's fourth novel - just his first published.

"With the exception of funeral receptions, it's not often you can attract 250 people like we have here tonight," joked master of ceremonies Matt Miller, a lawyer and S.I. alum. "Unless, very much like a funeral reception, your event is at the Irish Cultural Center and free food and booze are advertised."

But as a native son of the Sunset, son of Judge Timothy Reardon, S.I. class of '86 grad and current S.I. creative writing teacher, Reardon's reading was as easy a draw as an S.I. Wildcat playoff game.

The author was well toasted and roasted by class of '68 alums, including S.I. English teacher Jim Dekker and comedian Bob Sarlatte.

"Don't get too cocky, Tim," Dekker advised. "Three of your books are on Amazon and already being sold as 'used.' "

"Shadow Lessons" is the story of a white English teacher and a black female firefighter who create a literary hoax that ends up fueling a national race debate.

Reardon's copy also attracted numerous, knowing laughs as his characters - the 40-year-old Irish Catholic creative writing teacher, the high school sweetheart spouse, the prestigious Sunset District Jesuit high school - so closely mirror Reardon's life.

"He is a modern-day J.R.R. Tolkien for creating this remarkable, fanciful persona," Miller joked. "Timmy somehow nails this character as if he had lived it."

Between being a teacher, husband and father, Reardon described his writing process as "one page a day; in a year you have a book."

He sent out more than 200 query letters to agents and publishers. Most liked Reardon's writing but weren't interested in the book's dialogue on race relations - except for small-press publisher All Things That Matter Press.

"I was never really sure this was going to happen," Reardon said during an audience Q&A. "Tonight is the first moment when I've actually seen people buying the book."

Chronicle society correspondent Catherine Bigelow's columns appear Wednesday in Datebook, Sunday in Style and at E-mail her at

Read more:

TIM'S CURRENT AMAZON RANK: Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #15,812 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


We often get questions about the elusive phenomenon-AMAZON SALES RANK. While the following is not perfect and does not apply to Kindle Editions, "Dog Ear Publishing" put together a fairly accurate table on book sales vs. sales rank. We thank them for their effort.

"what in the world does my Amazon sales rank number mean?"
Very roughly, the Amazon sales rank can be taken as a measure of your book's relative success to now over 6 MILLION other books at Every book that has sold at least a single copy is assigned a rank.
The Amazon sales rank is a measure of how many books YOUR book sold compared to all the other books on Your rank is yours and yours alone - no two books can share the rank at any one time (books that have sold the same number have additional criteria applied). The period of time over which the sales are measured is varHowever, the ranking is updated hourly. 

Amazon applies some very complex (and apparently top secret) math to maintaining rankings for their top 5,000 books. Sales are measured hourly, daily, and monthly - and rankings are determined by even the amount of time BETWEEN sales. Books in the top 5,000 keep their rankings very consistent - and Amazon enforces some "averaging" of sales to keep your book from jumping up to number one just because you got all your relatives in New Jersey to buy a copy at exactly noon on Tuesday (but, do it if you can...for about 30 minutes you'll have the most incredible ranking!)

Changes in your Amazon sales rank is a great measure of the success of your marketing efforts - hopefully a nice bump upwards in rank corresponds to a book promotion or event. These are usually temporary, as it is consistent an concerted effort to move the sales rank significantly. A general rule of thumb (first proposed by Morris Leventhal of FonerBooks) is to note your rank twice a week for four weeks, then divide by 8. This will show your "average" Amazon sales rank. Checking any more than that is really meaningless, since these ranks can change on an hourly basis. You'll find that titles that sit within the top 5,000 do not usually fluctuate by more than 20% (and Amazon is trying to contain even this level of fluctuation). Titles in the 10-20,000 range may jump or drop by as much 50 or 60%. Titles under the 50,000 mark will swing

Amazon Sales Rank - the "numbers"

So - what does all this mean? How MANY books am I selling? 
   Rank           Weekly Sales
   1,000            90 copies
  10,000           60 copies
 100,000           16 copies
 300,000           12 copies
 500,000           1 copy
1,000,000         1 copy per month
Now, this isn't going to hold true all year long on a unit basis - sale rates change per season - but it will hold in the RELATIONSHIP between sales ranks.

So, theoretically, sales ranks don't change without some action having occurred - meaning your rank won't go up without a sale, and they don't fall unless some other book has more sales in the past 24 hours (though the numbers get pretty funky in the "under 50,000" range). Your titles rank will drop if you have no sales, but the rate at which it will drop is dependent upon how consistently strong your sales were BEFORE it stopped selling - sort of... It's a bit of a bell curve that hits the middle ground most severely - books with long term, strong sales drop slowly, moderate sellers (under 50,000 to about 250,000) drop faster, and weak sellers (500,000 and down) drop positions very slowly. As we said, books ranks are calculated every hour of the day. 


Monday, July 12, 2010



Authored by Jerry Schwartz

Klaus Mueller dreams of leaving tiny Southland someday to be a rock star. When he chooses stardom over college, however, he learns that his real education is only beginning. He endures a series of god-awful jobs while his music is repeatedly rejected, and he wonders how he will ever achieve success. After moving to the city, where he finds a career and becomes a father, he is torn between the great happiness he has found and the success he still craves. Klaus must reconcile his dreams with reality or spend the rest of his life lamenting what might have been.

Pixels of Young Mueller is the story of an artist's growth to maturity and of his revolt against his family's Christian values. The tale of Klaus Mueller, as told in this modern coming-of-age novel, provides new perspectives on classic themes when Klaus confronts the forces that threaten his existence. Readers can listen to Klaus' music online at

About the author:
Jerry Schwartz writes, plays, sings, and produces the music of The Jerrys, a British-influenced guitar-pop band. He lives in Chicago with his wife and their two children. Pixels of Young Mueller is Jerry Schwartz's debut novel. His website is, values, growing-up


Authored by Shawn P. May

Appalachian Uprising chronicles the May Family through a decade of hardship and humor. The author weaves together a story of their triumphs and their losses told largely through the mischievous exploits of four boys. The story is told through the voice of the youngest brother, who both admires and mimics his older siblings. The family goes through many changes, such as their hardworking mother marrying a much younger man and moving from one home to another, but the real meat of the story is the hilarious exploits of four young boys left to their own devices in an Appalachian world of hills and hollers.
From their homemade flying machine, to hairspray flamethrowers and death-defying sleigh rides, the reader is led along a humorous odyssey of growing up that makes one not only long for childhood, but sometimes makes the reader wonder how we managed to survive...

About the author:
Shawn May was born and raised in Morgantown, West Virginia, and grew up in the surrounding area. He has three older brothers and a younger sister. He moved to Maryland for two decades and is now back in Morgantown, along with his wife of nineteen years Beth, his three sons, and his daughter. This book, Appalachian Uprising, was recognized in the 2009 West Virginia Writers, Inc. annual contest in both the Non-fiction and Emerging Writers categories.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Memoirs From The Asylum diagnoses 5 healthy stars.

The reviewer – yours truly – would like to start off with a few bits of trivia that have absolutely nothing – and at the same time everything – to do with the book under discussion.
  1. Varanus exanthematicus
By now – you, the reader – are thinking to yourself:  this guy is nuts, meshuga, cuckoo, balmy and/or one brick short of a load.  The reviewer – yours truly – ardently hopes this is  
not the case.  He maintains he is not insane.  Rather, he is trying to make a point.  And the point is this:  the distinction between sanity and insanity is quite small.
This distinction is the subject of Kenneth Weene’s tragicomic novel Memoirs From The Asylum, which is a little like reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest as written by Joseph Heller, who was the author of Catch-22.  Or, if that poor analogy doesn’t work for you, try this one:  the Three Stooges meet Jack Nicholson in The Shining.
To put it simply, Weene has written a shockingly funny and funnily shocking novel about life in an asylum.  It’s shocking because it exposes the abuse and mistreatment the patients suffer at the hands of the hospital’s staff.  And it’s funny because – in the end – it’s hard to tell who’s crazier, the doctors and nurses or the patients.
The narrator of the story, who is a patient, is in the asylum due to fear, fear of everything.  Many other of the patients are schizophrenics, which means they have lost touch with reality.  They suffer hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking processes.  All of which leads to ‘abnormal behavior.’  One such patient is Marilyn.  In one reality, which is supposedly the real reality, Marilyn lives on a bed in the hospital.  She is catatonic and unresponsive.  In another reality, Marilyn lives in a crack in the wall next to her bed.  She lives there with her family – “the crack that is all truth.” 
Marilyn’s doctor is Dr. Buford Abrose, who is a first-year resident in psychiatry.  In reality, Dr. Abrose works in the asylum, treating patients.  In another reality, Dr. Abrose lives inside his head with his wife, who is a status-seeking gold-digger, who doesn’t like the fact that her husband works in a mental hospital, when he could be working elsewhere, making big bucks. 
The asylum is run by Orrin Parties, who is obsessed by paperwork.  He lacks humanity.  His ‘human touch’ has been misplaced.  And most of his staff is composed of sado-masochists, who hate their jobs, themselves, and their patients. 
The author of the book, Kenneth Weene, has not lost his ‘human touch,’ for he writes well and from the heart.  For example, when describing Mitch, who is one of the patients:  “Alzheimer’s has Mitch.  Every now and then it gets him restless, and he blows like an old geyser that’s running out of steam.  The rest of the time he wanders around talking to himself.  They say he was once a college professor.  So, it isn’t really that different; he’s just talking to himself in a new place.  Guess what?  Nobody cares.”
Memoirs From The Asylum is resplendent with such literary gems.  Weene has a real knack for putting together world-class sentences.  Humor and pathos drip from every page, along with compassion and kindness and insight.  And his narrative abilities pack a wallop that thumps your chest hard.    
Weene cares.  Which is what makes the novel so good.  Indeed, it ranks with One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Girl, Interrupted for sheer cathartic storytelling.  In other words, it’s one of those novels you tell your friends about.
On the Read-O-Meter, which ranges from 1 star (sickly) to 5 stars (robust), Memoirs From The Asylum diagnoses 5 healthy stars.
Don’t miss this one!   
Memoirs From The Asylum (All Things That Matter Press/2010) By Kenneth Weene
Randall Radic is a former Old Catholic priest.  He is a graduate of the University of Arizona.  He holds a Master of Theology,  from Trinity Seminary, a Doctorate of Theology from Trinity Seminary,Th.D., and a Doctorate of Sacred Theology, S.T.D. from Agape Seminary.
After a midlife crisis, he spent time behind bars. Today, Radic has emerged a changed man.  He is the author of Gone To Hell: True Crimes of America’s Clergy (ECW Press/ Oct 2009), and A Priest in Hell: Gangs, Murderers and Snitching in a California Jail. Radic is currently working on some unusual book projects, including one titled Raising The Dead.  Visit Randall Radic Writer's Page.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Friends write novel together

CEDAR FALLS --- Dave Hoing, 54, of Cedar Falls, and Roger Hileman, 53, of Iowa City, share a love for music, humor and the written word.
Friends since they walked the halls of Waterloo West High School, Hoing and Hileman are compelled to create. They count numerous individual and collaborative projects to their credit.
Hoing, a published short story writer, is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Hileman is a musician and enjoys writing plays.
Some joint undertakings were more or less for their own amusement, like a parody of "Star Trek" starring the Marx Brothers. Or, Hoing adds, an original musical about Napoleon and Venice.
They have a flair for the comedic, Hileman says.
Several years ago the friends decided to turn a screenplay by Hileman into a full-fledged work of historical fiction. All Things That Matter Press released the book last month.
"Hammon Falls," spanning 1893 through 2009, is Hoing's first published novel and Hileman's first novel.
Hileman can trace his family's history in Waterloo back to the 1890s. He used ancestors as a template for the book's main characters. The partners filled out key players using their imagination, old photographs, documents and wishful thinking. The tale also is loosely inspired by local history.
"The more I learned about my family in Waterloo, the more I got interested in Waterloo history," Hileman said.
Central to the novel is George Hammon, who, driven by a great personal loss and manipulative parents, flees small-town Iowa for the horrors of World War I. He returns years later to find a complicated entanglement of murder, suicide and surprises.
"It's this big, family battle," Hileman said.
In a book review, Carol Kean wrote: "With carefully crafted prose, the authors seamlessly transport us from character to character, across an ocean and 12 decades, into the present, when a new generation may at last rise above the sins of the fathers.
"This haunting, lyrical story will stay with you long after you turn the last page," Kean concludes.
The story is revealed out of sequence, using flashbacks and different vantage points.
Longtime residents of the Cedar Valley and history buffs who read "Hammon Falls" may identify familiar, if not entirely accurate references to real people, places and things. References to an Electrical Park, a railroad strike and the death of a gangster are based, to some degree, on local lore, as are tornadoes in Pomeroy and Parkersburg.
Hoing and Hileman said they took care to research dialogue of the day, modern conveniences, fashions and natural and historical events. But "Hammon Falls" is first and foremost a work of fiction, Hoing said. The men wanted the creative liberty to change dates, names and other details for the story's sake.
Likewise, Hoing and Hileman don't know the true nature of the scandalous relationship between the real-life George Hammon and his lover, Cora. So they did what fiction writers get to do: They filled in the gaps.
"We turned it into a love story because that's what it should have been," Hoing said.
Hoing is a longtime library associate at the University of Northern Iowa. Hileman is a test development associate for ACT.
"Hammon Falls" is available on

Monday, July 5, 2010


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Unlike big publishers who are trying to get the biggest buck for their Kindle editions, it is our hope to keep these prices down and more accessible. These are tough economic times and we want to ensure that you get the chance to read some of our great books, discover new authors and enjoy all of the multi-genre titles offered by ALL THINGS THAT MATTER PRESS.

Sunday, July 4, 2010



The Secret Life of Walter Mott

Authored by Kal Wagenheim

Freedom! Security! This serio-comic novel, set in 1959, dramatizes the conflict between two human yearnings. Walter Mott, a shy, lonesome bachelor, lives secretly in his office, in order to save money, retire early, and travel the world. But life gets complicated when he falls in love with a young coworker. Oh, and after a late-night fling with a striptease dancer, he winds up giving the crabs to hundreds of his coworkers!

About the author:
Kal Wagenheim (born in Newark, N.J.) is a journalist (formerly with The New York Times and currently editor of Caribbean UPDATE monthly newsletter), author and translator of eight books, and ten plays and screenplays. His biography of Babe Ruth was a Playboy Book Club selection and was adapted for an NBC-TV film. His biography of Roberto Clemente, published years ago, will be reissued in 2010 in an updated edition. His plays, "Bavarian Rage," "We Beat Whitey Ford", "" and "Coffee With God" have been produced off-off-Broadway. "Coffee With God" has been published by the Dramatic Publishing Co. and is being produced at festivals and schools nationwide. His poetry and fiction have been published in the online literary magazine His nonfiction articles have been published in The Nation, and The New Republic. He has also taught creative writing at Columbia University and The State Prison in Trenton NJ. Member: PEN American Center and The Dramatists Guild of America. Film producers may access his screenplays on the website Further details on website: www.kalwagenheim.

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