In keeping with our policy to promote books with a message, even if we did not publish them, we offer a look at the following great book that speaks on a timely topic.
How Obama Governed: The Year of Crisis and Challenge
(Middle Passage Press, Los Angeles, January 2010)
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Author and political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson takes a no-political holds barred look at Obama’s first year in office in his new book,
How Obama Governed: The Year of Crisis and Challenge. He answers one compelling question: Did he fulfill the massive and sweeping promise he made to restore hope and effect change in America?
He examines the attacks and counterattacks from the GOP and the Democrats on Obama. He delineates the differences and similarities between Obama and Bush in waging the war on terrorism. He assesses the towering battles over health care, the economy, racial attacks, the GOP counterinsurgency, Afghanistan, and the Henry Louis Gates flap. He provides readers with a guide as to how Obama will continue to govern.
How Obama Governed: The Year of Crisis and Challenge offers a virtual political clinic on the crisis and challenges that the nation and its first African-American president faced his first year in the White House.
To book Earl Ofari Hutchinson for an interview and/or commentary on the promise and pitfalls of Obama’s first year in office. Call 1-323-383-6145 to schedule. Earl Ofari Hutchinson is a nationally acclaimed author and political analyst. Hutchinson is the author of ten books on race and politics in America.
His three most recent books are:
* How Obama Governed: The Year of Crisis and Challenge
* How Obama Won
* The Ethnic Presidency: How Race decides the Race to the White House
His featured interviews and comments on race and politics have appeared in: Time Newsweek New York Times ABC’s World News Tonight.
He has been a guest analyst on:
* Fox News John Gibson Show
* O’Reilly Show
* Hannity & Colmes
* Glenn Beck Show
* PBS Lehrer Report
* NPR’s Talk of the Nation
* CNN News Shows
He is the National Political Writer for New America Media and a regular contributor to: the Huffington Post
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