Sunday, October 18, 2009


IT IS ALWAYS A JOY TO WORK WITH NIKKI LEIGH AND KATHLEEN GAGE ON BOOK TOUR! They have shown the power of the internet and social networking in bringing top quality books to the forefront of reader's attention. What is great is that this is all done without the BIG BOOKSTORES who have dominated authors and their works. The following information about a wonderful new book is timely with regard the issues that face us all. Help this book reach #1 on Amazon and, while you are at it, claim some great prizes!

Overcomers, Inc: True stories of hope, courage, and inspiration will give readers the knowledge and emotional resilience to face the most difficult times of life by sharing inspiring stories of triumph.
You will find this a book of diversity. There are many authors, from many walks of life. However, they all share a common bond. They triumphed over tragedy and gleaned wisdom in this process. While this is not a religious book, there are stories full of faith, of many kinds and flavors. It is funny how in your darkest times, faith often becomes your brightest light.
All of the contributors to this book want to encourage you to hold tight to your belief that a better day will come. It is their sincere desire to pass along what they’ve learned through their own trials, to make your journey easier.
To get your own copy and receive dozens of bonus gifts go to

Believe in miracles and be willing to receive the gifts that are offered.
Martha-Lee Bohn
When a volunteer asked me one Sunday night, “What should I do with the hundred pair of shoes I have in the car?” I didn’t know what to say. Overwhelmed with a long list of things to do, I said nothing, hoping he was pulling my leg. When he repeated it, saying that they were brand new children’s shoes, I knew he was serious.
I called a church member who is an elementary school teacher and told her about the shoes. She responded, “Oh my God, Martha-Lee. You are an answer to prayers. I’ve been sitting here praying for shoes!”
Working at a low-income elementary school, she manages the “clothing closet” donations for the kids. On Friday, a barefoot boy had come to her asking for shoes. She had no shoes, but she promised him she’d have a pair for him on Monday. It was Sunday night, and she had no shoes for him. I told her to please stop praying!
Consider when something feels like an unexpected burden, it may just be that God is using you to answer someone’s prayers! Choose to believe that coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.

Second Chances
Kathleen Gage
I don’t remember when things began to change, but I do remember many a night when my parents would tell me how worried they were for my safety and plead with me to change my ways. I turned my gentle spirit to that of a harsh teenager who grew more distant and angry with each passing day.
I seemed to look for the roughest people I could find to hang out with and call my friends. It wasn’t long before I was getting in trouble at virtually every turn and watching my life quickly spin out of control. What began as a fun way to live soon became a self made prison. And yet, like with any prison, I didn’t know where to find the key to release me.
There were countless times I prayed to a nonexistent God asking for help. “I promise I will change my ways.” For years the promises were empty pleas until one day I got a glimpse of where my life was and where it could be if I were willing to make much needed changes.
I wake up with gratitude on a daily basis because I was given a second chance to turn my life around. I realize I may not always be given another opportunity to change anything in my life and how important it is to be in resolve each and every day.
I feel truly blessed that with my mom and dad, I was given a second chance - one I am not willing to take for granted. I love you mom and dad. Always have, always will.

From Overcomers, Inc.; True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration. To get your own copy and receive dozens of bonus gifts go to

Over 90 top authors, industry experts, coaches and visionaries are supporting 38 contributing authors by donating nearly $6000 in life changing bonus gifts., including e-books, audio and video downloads, reports, special event offers and more.
Among these supporters are Dr. Wayne Dyer, leader in the field of personal transformation, Best-selling author of Excuses Begone!, Chris and Janet Attwood, renowned authors of the recent bestseller, The Passion Test: The Effortless Path To Discovering Your Destiny, visionaries, leaders and authors including Dr. Joe Rubino, David Mathison, Alexis Martin Neely, Erin Blaskie and over 85 others.
On October 22, 2009 anyone who buys the book through through this special link will received dozens of bonus gifts.


Poetic Melodies
By Nancy Lee Shrader

"Poetic Melodies" takes the familiar Haiku to a new level. Each seventeen syllable haiku is able to stand alone, but when joined with other haikus, they tell a story, a truth, a rant or a tribute. You will find 101 First Place HAIKU STRINGS and six
of these have placed FIRST a second time. Five of the Haiku Strings have been featured in "All Things Girl Magazine" and eight others have received Titled Awards. Other Japanese forms added to this collection are Senryu, Inversed Haiku, and Hay (na) ku.

About the author:

Nancy Lee Shrader resides in southern West Virginia. A recent widow, Nancy Lee devotes her time to her three grandchildren and four step grandchildren. She is the author of four books including her first book of poetry, "Haiku Smiles." Nancy Lee also writes for and she has twenty-one Shorts on the Amazon website. She is a member of the West Virginia Writer's Union, Appalachian Writer's Guild and belongs to a writers' group at the Raleigh County library.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


REVOIR, BY HUGH FOX GARNERING GREAT REVIEWS. If you like fine literature, read the following reviews and then, read the book!

That most books written today are whittled down to a single theme or idea is not uncommon, and this includes many books of serious literature. REVOIR falls into the category of serious literature. Yet rather than reducing, it’s a book so filled with heart that it seems to expand, page after page. Each of the 25 stories Fox presents is about family, extended family, displaced family, the longing for family. What is, and what is gone. And behind the humor and hubris is a heart reaching to take in everything: be it people, food, drink, nature, the unknown. Fox gives us the great big candy store in the sky. Between comic turns the stories are tender, and the author is saying that in order to survive this world, and for the world to survive us, everything has got to meld. And sooner rather than later. He spreads this through the book like smooth butter, encouraging us to lick the pages, taste the fatty sweetness before the bindings dry up. In the title story Revoir, Poet Joey and his current wife have a reunion in Phoenix with a former wife Joey now sees as being “too chocolatey-trufflish-pecan cheese cake-ish…” yet he can’t help but love and lust after her, as in the old days. The old days hang shroud-like over the book but never bury it. There is too much to love about the present to let the past take over; and linear time swims and swirls. In Das Heldenleben / The Hero’s Life an elderly man phones a woman he once loved but had ditched fifty years earlier, and talks her into meeting him for coffee. They’d planned on marrying, once, those two young devout Catholics, until she spilled her guts about having sex with another guy, during a summer work stint at the Cape. Remembering the terrible night she confessed, he now regrets his reaction, and that he left her, thinking of himself as “Idiotic him, Mr. Daily Communion, the body and blood of Christ… sex only for one thing, procreation, if you had fun that was only incidental… it was the deepest, darkest sin…” His gorgeous lost love who has become an old woman with piled up white hair, glasses and a cane. In a breathless effort to charge backward, he imagines kidnapping her, taking her to remote romantic places. And like the Catholicism that once kept him chained, he’s chained again, but of his own doing. So he lets her go a second time. REVOIR never figures anything out because it doesn’t set itself to that task. Fox knows this from the first page. The way he knows the mystery will forever remain the mystery. He rails a bit, here and there, then he acquiesces.

—Susan Tepper (The review by Susan Tepper has been accepted by Len Fulton for SMALL PRESS REVIEW!!!)



“Stories need inspiration and Hugh Fox has a lot of inspiration to draw from. “Revoir” is a collection of short stories from this man as he discusses many subjects and gives readers a fine glimpse into his mind through fiction. The stories wide and varies, he discusses many subjects while entertaining the reader, making “Revoir” a read to be considered.”


Bill Ryan in The Unborn Book: “Hugh Fox is the Paul Bunyan of American Letters, part myth, part monster, and, myself-as-subject, a magnificent non-stop storyteller.”

“’Buddha revolving between Inner Calm and an opening Spiritual Retina on the impossible Now is the wisdom from Hugh Fox, poet-visionary extrordinaire....” Rambunctious Review, Vol. XVIII, 2001-2002.

“ a poet, scholar and critic who has ambitions as a playwright as well. The plays in this collection aren’t your standard Arthur Miller or Thornton Wilder fare. They are more like Samuel Beckett on acid. Fox writes the way he talks: a rapid fire stream-of-consciousness, full of anecdotes....and arcane esoteric references from his seventy-five eclectic years,” Review by Doug Holder of Ommmmmm: A Collection of Plays and Monologues, on Ibbeson Update. 1/28/07.

“...Barriers don’t last long around Hugh Fox. He is the ultimate explorer of the self....Whitman, in Song of Myself, only grazes the

surfaces that Fox penetrates. Henry Miller is demure compared to Hugh Fox...” from the introduction by Eric Greinke to Time published by Presa:S:Press in 2005.

“ [Fox’s] poetry resounds with a wisdom both primal and spiritual. His mind and spirit wander the world, hopeful and despairing, looking back on ghosts of the past and forward in search of proof that our existence will not end.” Review of Defiance (Higganum Hill Books, 2007), on Galatea Resurrects #10, on-line, Summer, 2008.

“Hugh Fox is a Professor Emeritus, archeologist, editor, writer, and iconic poet of international fame.His poetic styles range from super academic to Dadaistic to surrealistic to avant garde to post-Bukowski realism. For decades, whatever his creative style at the time, fans have celebrated the earthy and erudite poetry experience that is Hugh Fox.” Review of The Collected Poetry of Hugh Fox (WorldAudience, 2008) by Laurel Johnson.

Literary Novel Finds Publisher and High Approval

The following was posted on

It is nice to see that ATTMP books are getting positive reviews. Thank Carolyn foe the serive and writing blogs you provide to authors!

Shades of Luz
John Gorman
Genre: Fiction: Literary
ISBN 098409847X

Reviewed by Nannette Croce for A Book Review Blog

John Gorman's first novel Shades of Luz is a fun read, though I must admit I'm a little surprised it found a publisher. That's not criticism. It's just that the book is hard to classify, and classification末or genre末seems to carry far too much weight with agents and publishers these day. Happily All Things That Matter Press must be somewhat more flexible.

Shades of Luz is part coming-of-age novel and part love story and even a bit surreal at times. Benny Fluke is a 29-year-old still living at home and working on his Master's thesis, the subject of which he keeps changing. He meets the elusive Luz while selling stuffed animals for a fake charity, and from then on she threads through the story, popping in and out of his life, encouraging him to move out of his parents' house, eventually sharing his apartment, but always hovering between friend and lover. The story is enlivened still more by some oddball and humorous minor characters and Benny's unusual workplace where he goes from overseeing the monkeys who pick stocks on a dartboard to championship thumb wrestling within the same company. And then there's that strange secret about Benny's Mom.

As a Baby Boomer I'm used to thinking of coming-of-age novels dealing with teens, but 29 is probably on target for the current coming-of-age generation. One thing that did confuse me a bit about the novel was the time period in which it was set. While much of it seemed current, Benny's workplace seemed a little futuristic, though maybe it was just meant to be fantastic. Whatever, it added interest and humor.

I "met" John Gorman when I accepted and edited Boba Fett Blues, my last official job with The Rose & Thorn. So I wasn't surprised that Gorman is at his best in those scenes that reminisce on childhood and adolescence.

Here's wishing John Gorman success with Luz and all future endeavors.
The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've loved. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by author names, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the index handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


ATTMPress announces the release of ORA AND THE GEM STAR by Jack Cowardin.

On the high plans north of Mexico City lies the ruins of one of the greatest architectural achievements of Pre-Columbian culture, Teotihuacan. No one knows who, or what, destroyed the City of the Gods. Ora, the daughter of a local chief, finds the Gem Star, a gift from the gods. This story is an adventure of magical realism in an age of primitive cultures, where women were submissive and subservient. Ora breaks the chain of this reality and brings the reader the timeless lessons of love and appreciation of all creatures that share the planet.

About the author:
Born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, Jack earned his BA at Oklahoma University then studied philosophy at VCU. He has designed and built 24 homes and was a marble and tile contractor for three large hotels. He started collecting rare books in the '90s. Ora and the Gem star is is first novel, with the sequel well under way. Jack currently lives in Florida. His web site is

This book would make an excellent Disney movie! It is fast paced, filled with adventure, appeals to bot young adult and families and is just all around fun!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


How to Write Foolproof Media Releases
By Matt Bacak
Free publicity resulting from a media release sounds good, but how do you go about getting it? The first step is to write foolproof media releases.
Are you looking for inexpensive ways to promote yourself or your business? Well, read on about media releases, one of the most cost effective promotion vehicles available. Free publicity resulting from a media release sounds good, but how do you go about getting it? The first step is to write foolproof media releases.
Many people 'gasp' at the thought of committing the written word to the page. Don't be scared, just apply these quick and easy steps to write foolproof media releases! Let's get started!
Always remember when writing your media release that editors will likely give you a '10 second' glance to see if the topic is newsworthy. Make sure you cover all the media release basic essentials to ensure your media release isn't 'tossed' before it gets even the 10-second once-over.
Before You Start Writing Your Media Release
Before you even begin typing, take a moment and determine 'what is your story' or 'what is your angle'. What do you want to communicate and why? Some media release ideas are the launch of new product, change in your company that affects your customers, or an event that affects your industry.
Remember that a media release is not an advertisement; your story needs to be a newsworthy account about you or your company.
Essentials for Media Releases
You are ready to start writing, take the time to familiarize yourself with the essentials required in all media releases.
• “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” on the top left of the page
• Contact name, title, address, phone number, fax number, email address
• Headline, bold and centered on the page (more on writing effective headlines later)
• Location and date
• No more than one page in length
• Be concise and grammatically correct (no spelling errors!)
• At the bottom, provide a bio on the company, person etc. Provide brief details and remember to include a website address where readers can get more information.
O.k. the essentials are the easy part, let's delve into the guts of your media release and the tools for writing effective content.
Effective Media Release Content
1. Headline - Some PR people say that you need to spend as much time writing the headline as you do on writing the entire content of the media release. The headline needs to capture attention, while at the same time convey the content of the media release. The headline may be the only thing an editor reads of your media release so ensure it's a good one!
2. Paragraph structure - Make sure you make your most important statements in the first paragraph, waiting too long could mean your media release is never read! The headline along with your opening paragraph should tell a gripping story. Answer the five critical questions, who, what, where, when and why. The last paragraph is your call to action - make it clear and compelling.
3. Writing Style - Keep your audience for the media release in mind and ensure all information is factual and relevant to that audience. Provide statistics and/or relevant quotes that substantiate the information you are providing. Limit jargon and slang.
4. Distribute - Spend the time researching and creating a distribution list. Effective media releases do work; you just need to ensure that you send your media release to the right places. Check out industry associations, relevant publications (both print and online), newswire services, PRWeb, the opportunities are endless!
Writing a foolproof media release will take a little time and effort. The rewards of free publicity, resulting in even more customers and revenue are worth the investment! Why not try writing and distributing a media release today!
Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at or
Article Source:


Jerry D. Simmons -
Author, Publisher, Speaker
INDI Publishing Group
Creating Opportunities for Writers
Author of What Every Writer Needs to Know About Publishing
Also available as an eBook
Preparing Writers for Success
Introducing Emerging Writers to a Global Audience

The Author's Press Kit - What is it? Do I need one? -
By Carole Barnes

An author's press kit (also known as a media kit or a promo kit) is a package of information about you.... the author. Often authors are asked to provide details about themselves and their work to members of the press, their publishers, or potential clients. A press kit is a simple tool for handling this request quickly and efficiently. A press kit is a great, cost-effective way to generate exposure for you and your business. If you don't already have one then it may be time to consider one.

A well prepared press kit is an all-in-one package that summarizes you as an author and all of your professional information. It allows you to have pertinent information about your books, biographical information, activities, achievements and press coverage at your fingertips whenever needed. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you like, with its main purpose being to pull together all your information and make a good solid first impression.

The most important element of your press kit is its professional appearance and packaging. A press kit is used to promote you, your products and your business, as well as providing your contact and ordering information.

So, what's actually in the Press Kit?

The contents can vary, depending on the intended purpose and/or audience, but in general, a press kit contains the following:
1. A brief biography - a one page summary about you, what you do and what makes you unique. This is a good place to insert your contact information and a photo of you.
2. If you are promoting your current book, your press kit will include a summary, title, publisher, publication date, synopsis, and a picture of the book's cover. This is a great place to add reviews about the book, as well as an order form.
3. If you wish to promote your general writing services, a list of what you've done for others in the past and some testimonial comments from satisfied clients can be added.
4. Reprints of newspaper and magazine articles, printouts from websites and references to TV and radio shows where you have been mentioned. Articles and media exposure lend tremendous credibility.
5. All awards and citations you have received.
6. A list of all your works, including where and when they were published.
7. Previous book signing photos as well as mention of any upcoming signings.
8. Of course you'll need something to put it in so it all stays together - a professional folder with your photo or logo on the cover.

With all of your information put together in an attractive, professional kit, you'll have a cohesive, convenient, and centralized marketing package. This packet will clearly communicate all the key facts about you, your work and achievements. The best part is that it will be ready to distribute at any time, with the goal, of course, of attracting future business and interest.

In these hard economic times, if an agent/publisher requests a summary of your information, it makes sense to have a showcase of your work ready to send out or take with you. A press kit can be handed to anyone... TV executives, agents, publishers, reviewers, etc., and can also be used to introduce yourself to prospective bookstores.

Press kits can be as simple as a one page summary of you and your work, or as detailed as you like. The best part is you can customize your kit for any occasion. Your can get online examples and do your own press kit, or have it done professionally, whichever is your preference.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like help developing a professional press kit specifically for you and your needs!
Ph 480.330.3918

Saturday, October 3, 2009



Musical Chairs explores one family's history of mental health diagnoses and searches to define the cusp between a '90s working-class childhood and the trouble of adapting to a comfortable life in the suburbs. In order to understand her restlessness, Jennifer reflects on years of strip-dancing, alcoholism, and estrangement. Inspired by the least likely source, the family she left behind, Jennifer struggles towards reconciliation. This story is about identity, class, family ties, and the elusive nature of mental illness.

About the author:
Jen Knox is a Fiction Editor at Our Stories Literary Journal, and works as a freelance writer, editor, and writing tutor. She grew up in Ohio, and lives in Texas, where she is currently working on a novel entitled "Absurd Hunger."



A NASA Space Shuttle plummets to Earth. A team of eight rescue workers plunges into a treacherous Texan wilderness to recover the wreckage, and become entwined in a cosmic conspiracy. An uncouth disembodied head enslaves an elderly rancher and uses his cellar as the war room of its campaign against God, a noir-style slickster with a buxom blonde wife and a taste for margaritas, rockets down from the suburbs of Heaven on a comet to do battle with metaphysical evils. "Shooting Angels" races from the jungles of Texas, to the dark corners of undiscovered space, to the innermost reaches of the human mind, to the smoggy streets of Central Heaven, where people are free to give in to their most detestable urges. The novel asks its characters to confront their ordering theories of the universe, and raises questions of how we are to envision divinity in a technological age.

About the author:
Nick Sansone is a current student in the MFA Program for Poets and Writers at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. He grew up in Champaign, IL, and attended Sarah Lawrence College as a student of economics and Russian language. His short fiction has appeared in several small journals, including Pear Noir!, Pank, and Ignavia. Nick has two years' professional experience as a wildland firefighter and trail services employee through the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. In 2003, he served on a NASA search and rescue team after the destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia.